Moonee Ponds Blackburn Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a multifaceted approach. Dr. Zhao predominantly diagnoses based on the following key theories:

  • Zangfu theory

    Each internal organ (Zangfu) has certain roles in maintaining the body’s health. Disorders arise when organs’ functions have been impeded through illness/internal imbalance, often due to lifestyle/dietary influences or past trauma/injury.

  • Meridian/channel theory

    Each Zangfu has a corresponding meridian/channel, along with two extraordinary meridians (Ren and Chong meridians) that work with organs and facilitate the movement of vital substances throughout the body. Impairments/blockages to channels cause imbalance within the body and contribute to disorders.

  • The Five Elements/Phases

    The body’s harmony is based on the interplay of earth, metal, water, wood and fire. Each element corresponds to internal organs of the body, and disorders are often caused by a relative weakness/overbearing of one element/phase over another.

  • The Vital substances

    Qi, Blood, Jing (Essence) & Jinye (body fluids) – vital substances must also be plentiful and within balance of each other for the smooth flow of energy throughout the body’s vascular systems and meridians.

  • Yin & Yang

    Both Yin & Yang energies are present within the body, transforming into one another throughout the regular day & lifespan of humans. Balancing & ensuring the smooth transition of Yin & Yang is key to maintaining homeostasis.

Consultations to reach diagnosis & treatment plan formulation will involve inquiry into all aspects of one’s health, including specifics of the presenting complaint, additional signs/symptoms, medical history, details of diet, bowel habits, urination, sleep & gynaecological concerns for women. Tongue presentation & pulse taking is also key to diagnostics; physical examinations (e.g. abdominal examination, or musculoskeletal & range of movement tests) will be performed as needed.